Thursday, April 18, 2013

PLE #10

Theories in educational psychology promote the idea that language plays a critical role in cognitive development. Examine Table 2.2 (p. 51), paying particular attention to the age range that you are interested in teaching. Consider how you might incorporate or adapt the strategies presented for use with your own students.

I think that language does play a huge role in cognitive development. I've learned this in many classes including my Reading Ed class. I think that I need to give lots of opportunities for my students to see and read words. The book gives lots of great strategies and I would like to include the ones that I found the most interesting and helpful. I am also going to be focusing on K-2 since that is where I would like to teach. I love the idea of asking students to construct narratives about their recent events. When I worked in a bilingual classroom in Spain I did a lot of this when trying students to speak English. This relates what students are writing or speaking about to their lives so they will be inclined to be more interested. I am also a very big believer in asking follow up questions. I think that students need to process what they read and use metacognition.

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