Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Overall Instructions: Write a PLE post that explores the following questions and includes a link (or links) to websites, videos, articles, or other authoritative online sources that provide examples or research to support your answer. Chapter 11 Consider the theories of motivation that we discussed in class. Which theories of motivation are most helpful and instructive for you? How can they enhance motivation and affect your students? Before reading Chapter 11 and having our discussion on motivation, I never knew there were so many different theories! I had previously learned about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, but hadn't thought too hard beyond that. The various motivation theories were really interesting, and I think there are definitely theories that work better than others and that there is a correct way that we should use rewards as teachers. Personally, I really enjoy the goal theory and think that this applies to me the most. I am the type of person who likes to make lists for myself and gets probably far too much satisfaction out of crossing something off of one of my millions of lists. I like to see my goals and accomplish them. Like we discussed in class I think that specific, short term goals are easiest and more likely to be attained. Putting this in terms of my future students, I think I'll write down individual goals for each of them and put them somewhere that they can see the goals every day... maybe put a copy pasted into their folders or planners and give them small rewards for checking things off of the list once they reach enough goals. Here is a link to a page that has some great motivational activities you could apply in the classroom. I know we talked about how short term goals are better than long term, but I still really liked the 100 day party idea. I think that it gives kids something to look forward to and stay motivated, especially if they had a daily reminder of what day they were on and how much longer they had until day 100. http://www.ehow.com/info_7943287_motivational-activities-classroom.html

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way when we were learning about motivation in class. I didn't realize how many different types existed. But like you, I am definitely a fan of goal theory. I think your ideas for incorporating it in the classroom are awesome.
